Healthy Living
Simple Steps to Health and Wellness
According to the dictionary, “health” is defined as:
- The condition of being sound in mind, body or spirit
- Freedom from disease or pain
- The general condition of the body
As a leading health care provider, St. Luke's helps many, many people who are sick and injured.
From car crashes and falls to cancer and heart conditions, St. Luke's doctors and staff use all
of the techniques and tools available to help children and adults in health crises. But, as
hinted by the definition, good health also involves prevention, healthy lifestyle choices and a
good mind-set.
At St. Luke's, there are many people who specialize in these areas, including:
- Family medicine, internal medicine and specialty doctors who help patients with health
screenings to prevent future medical issues or to identify and treat current medical
- Nutritionists, who help patients learn about diet changes with specific conditions such as
diabetes, stroke, heart disease and others.
- Physical therapists and rehabilitation specialists, who help patients regain muscle strength
after being in the hospital.
- Behavioral health specialists, who help those who suffer from a number of issues including
grief and depression.
You don't have to experience a health crisis to achieve sound mind, body and spirit. Each of us
can improve our health by making a few simple changes to our lifestyles. Whether it means making
different food choices, or adding a bit more activity to our daily routine, one or two changes
can make a real and positive difference. That's what “wellness” and healthy living is all about.
St. Luke's is pleased to offer some tips that could help on the road to healthy