Health Wellness Center
Health & Wellness Center
Contact Us
For more information about
the Health & Wellness Center at
St. Luke's Warren Hospital,
call 908-859-8833.
Our Location
755 Memorial Parkway, #D-21A
Phillipsburg, New Jersey 08865
Maps &
M - Th: 5:15 am - 8 pm
F: 5:15 am - 7 pm
Sat. & Sunday: 7:30 am - 1 pm
If you're recovering from an illness and exercise is part of your rehabilitation plan, or you
want to increase your fitness level, our Health and Wellness Center has plenty to offer.
The Medical Fitness Center Difference
The Health and Wellness Center is a member of the Medical Fitness Association (MFA). For you,
this means:
A qualified credentialed staff
The Center employs professionals who hold specialized degrees, certifications, and/or
We offer health risk reduction and therapeutic lifestyle programs including weight
management and nutrition classes, orthopedic, and Arthritis Foundation exercise programs.
Integrated health and medicine including yoga and massage.
Fitness Assessment
A complimentary wellness assessment and orientation are provided to help you achieve your goals
and to help you become familiar with the equipment and staff.
Wellness Programs
Nutrition – Offering these options to help you toward your goal of improved
- Option 1: includes body fat and girth measurements, 3-day individualized meal plan,
exchange lists for substitution, and instruction; members $50 for one hour,
non-members $75 for one hour.
- Option 2: includes body fat and girth measurements and print outs (no instruction):
members $25 for 30 minutes; non-members $35 for 30 minutes.
- Option 3: follow up with dietitian; $10 for members; $15 for non-members.
Arthritis exercise class – Incorporating head-to-toe stretching exercises
and movements to preserve and restore flexibility and strength. Improves balance,
coordination, and mobility.
- Tuesdays and Thursdays 9 to 10 am.
- Free for members, $25 per month for non-members.
Senior Strength – Weight training specifically for seniors to help improve
strength, balance, flexibility and coordination.
- Tuesdays and Thursdays 2 to 2:45 pm.
- Free for members; $25 per month for non-members.
- Massage – By appointment. $58 per hour or $29 per half hour for members; $70 per
hour or $35 per half hour for non-members.
Weight management – A total weight loss program using a combination of
nutrition and exercise to help you achieve your desired weight. Please call for information.
Individuals with diabetes – nutrition consultation is covered by Medicare.
Physician prescription is required.
Group Fitness Programs
Group Training – Strength training exercises for the whole body in a group
- Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4:30 pm. One hour sessions.
- Free for members; fee for non-members.
Awesome Abs – Improves posture, increases lower back and abdominal
- Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; 8 to 9:30 am.
- Free for members; fee for non-members.
Cycling 101 – A fun and challenging group cycling class.
- Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:30 to 7:00 am.
- Free for members; fee for non-members.
Fitness for the Busy Professional – No time to exercise? Try our 30 minute
workouts to tone up.
- Free for members; $35 fee for non-members.
Rehabilitation Services
The Health and Wellness Center offers both cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation. Cardiac
rehabilitation is a medically supervised program for those diagnosed with heart disease.
Pulmonary rehabilitation can help improve your quality of life if you have emphysema, chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma or bronchitis. Both programs require a physician's
prescription, and are covered by Medicare and most health insurance plans.