Pulmonary Services
Pulmonary Services
Contact Us
For more information about
Pulmonary Services at
St. Luke's Warren Hospital,
call 908-859-8716.
If you have a breathing problem, your doctor may recommend a pulmonary test to help diagnose your
Our Pulmonary Function Laboratory includes state-of-the-art testing equipment and a caring staff.
Our tests can help your physician:
- Assess how a lung disease is affecting your lung function
- Measure the effects of occupational or environmental exposure
- Assess your risk for undergoing surgical procedures
Treating Respiratory Problems
If you are hospitalized and need special breathing treatments, you'll receive care from our
Respiratory Care staff. The department has been recognized for providing "Quality Respiratory
Care" by the American Association for Respiratory Care.
Exercise Series for Chronic Lung Disease
If you have shortness of breath and other symptoms of chronic lung disease, our monitored
exercise program can help you manage your breathing problems and gain strength. The eight-week
program is offered at St. Luke's Warren Campus Health and Wellness Center.
The technologist explained each step as we went through the test. He could not have
been more caring or considerate. My experience was a case of perfection in every
way! I will definitely recommend the Pulmonary Function Lab at St. Luke's Warren
Hospital to family and friends. Genevieve Romanozuk