Patients Visitors
Planning Your Stay
What to Bring
Please bring a toothbrush and other personal care items, pajamas, a robe and slippers. Hair dryers and razors are permitted only if they are battery-operated.
Do not bring your medications; however, a list of the medications you take, including the dose and times administered, would be appreciated.
Also, bring a copy of your advance directive for inclusion in your medical chart. Advance directives contain instructions that tell families, doctors and hospitals how you wish to be cared for if you become terminally ill or are unable to speak. Decisions you make about medical care are a response to the reality of life and death. Your advance directive should reflect your values in this area. If you would like to receive samples of two types of advance directives, a living will and a durable power of attorney for health care, ask for them in the Admitting office, or call the Public Relations office at 908-859-6789.
Please do not bring luggage, electric hair dryers, valuables such as jewelry, credit cards, keys, or more than $2.00 in cash. Denture cups are provided. St. Luke's Warren Hospital will not be responsible for personal items that are brought into the hospital after the admission checklist has been completed, unless the family member, power of attorney, patient, or other responsible party reports the personal property to the nurse or nurses' station. Any discrepancy noted by a family member, power of attorney, patient, or other responsible party will be fully investigated by the Quality Management Department.
Financial Information
If you are covered by Blue Cross, Medicare, Medicaid, an HMO or any other health insurance, the Admitting Department or the Pre-admission Registration Department will require your carrier name and policy number. The hospital will contact your health insurance provider directly to receive payment for services; however, patients are ultimately responsible for making certain bills are paid.
Even when a claim is filed with your insurance company, you will receive periodic statements from our Patient Accounts department if the account has a balance due. If the insurance company declines to pay the bill in full or part, the hospital looks to you for payment. The hospital will act on behalf of the patient who is seeking payment from an insurance company, but cannot accept responsibility for negotiating the settlement of a disputed claim.
If you do not have insurance, a deposit will be required. If you have no funds to pay your bill, please contact our Financial Services office at 908-859-6700, extension 2723.
If you are a New Jersey resident with no insurance, please ask for a Payment Assistance Fact Sheet, which outlines financial criteria for income assistance.