Warren Campus

Older Adults

Inpatient Geriatric Services 

Geropsychiatric Program 

Center for Positive Aging

Contact Us

The Comfort Zone: 908-859-6797
Lifeline: 908-859-6839
Geriatric Services: 908-859-6722

Located at the Hillcrest Professional Plaza on Memorial Parkway/Route 22 in Phillipsburg, the Center offers a number of programs and resources for older adults and their families.

The Comfort Zone

Our adult medical day care center, the first in Warren County, offers structured medical and social services in a safe, secure, and homelike group setting for adults age 60 and over. Activities, crafts, snacks, lunch, and specialized care are provided for those with Alzheimer's disease, dementia, Parkinson's, diabetes and other conditions. Call 908-859-6797 for rates and information.

Mom Loves The Comfort Zone!

Mom has been going to the Comfort Zone three times a week for three years. She loves it and so do we! She has made wonderful friends who love her and engage her. The nurses and CNAs are just as loving, caring and attentive. The activities director is a firecracker who keeps mom busy...There is a monthly caregiver's support group - a great way to blow off steam and ask questions. We are so blessed to have such a safe, loving and caring facility right in our backyard. Chris, daughter of Millie

Senior Assessment Services

  • Our team of geriatric specialists provides a comprehensive evaluation of an older adult's physical, functional and/or emotional limitations to help decide if special assistance is needed.
  • The service includes a home visit, medical assessment, psychological screening for Alzheimer's disease, a follow-up family conference, counseling and referrals.

Future Focus

  • Free membership program for people age 55 and older.
  • Monthly seminars, health screenings, quarterly newsletter, and social activities.

Caregiver Support Group

  • For anyone caring for a family member with memory loss or impairment, the group meets on the third Saturday of each month.
  • Call 908-859-6700, extension 2276 for information.

Information on Advance Directives

  • Advance Directive is a general term that applies to two types of legal documents: Living Wills and Medical Powers of Attorney.
  • These documents let you give instructions about the medical care you want to receive in the event that you become unable to speak for yourself due to serious illness or incapacity.
  • A living will provides specific instructions. A medical power of attorney names a person that you trust to make decisions on your behalf.
  • The Geriatric Services Department provides information about Advance Directives to those 65 and older.

Express Ride

  • Free door-to-door shuttle service to hospital outpatient treatments for qualified senior and disabled residents.


The Lifeline system offers peace of mind for anyone living alone.

  • Wear the Lifeline pendant around your neck.
  • If a medical emergency occurs, simply push the button on the pendant and you are in immediate contact with a Lifeline monitor.
  • Your monitor quickly assesses your needs and contacts, as directed, either a family member or professional help, such as a rescue squad.
  • The Lifeline service is on call 24 hours-a-day, seven days-a-week.