Warren Campus


Cardiovascular Services

Contact Us

For more information about
Heart and Vascular services at
St. Luke's Warren Hospital,
call St. Luke's InfoLink toll-free
at 1-866-STLUKES (785-8537).

Learn about Heart & Vascular
services at St. Luke's University
Health Network.

You want to keep your heart healthy and, if there are problems, you and your loved ones want your heart to be healed. We can help with both.

Diagnostic Services

You get accurate results, experienced technicians, and convenience with our full array of diagnostic tests for evaluating heart conditions, including electrocardiograms (EKGs), echocardiography, cardiac stress testing and nuclear cardiology.

Our cardiac catheterization laboratory for low-risk patients produces exceptionally clear images to provide your doctor with the most complete information. Our caring staff makes sure you are comfortable and informed.

Emergency Services

If you're having a heart attack, you want advanced, aggressive care delivered as quickly as possible. Our Emergency Department is staffed with physicians and nurses trained in urgent cardiac care that includes new medications that can stop a heart attack in its tracks.

The Emergency Department includes specially equipped cardiac/trauma rooms so your physicians and nurses always have, at their fingertips, the technology and medications they need to treat you.

Critical Cardiac Care

If you or a loved one need intensive care and monitoring, you can count on receiving one-on-one care from our intensive care nurses and physicians in a dedicated unit. And you'll have peace of mind knowing that our intensive care unit is headed by an intensivist, a physician specializing in critical care.

Staying Healthy — or Returning to Health

You'll receive guidance, motivation, and the latest equipment to increase your cardiovascular fitness at our state-of-the-art Health and Wellness Center. You can sign up for a general fitness program or the monitored eight- to 12-week cardiac rehabilitation program. 

Registered dietitians provide individual nutrition assessments plus help with meal planning and food preparation.