Pay Hospital Bills
Welcome to the Online Business Office
Life just got a bit easier for you!
The St. Luke's Online Business Office is simple, secure and available to you anytime you need it.
Features include:
- Access and view your updated account information 24 hours-a-day, seven days-a-week.
- Use your Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover, to pay your accounts online.
- View recent insurance payments and personal payments applied to your accounts.
- Easily update your accounts when your personal information changes.
- Get answers to your questions and communicate with the business office via e-mail.
Manage your hospital bills
Quick, Simple and Secure
Enrolling in our free Online Business Office is quick, simple, and secure. To view your account
information and make personal changes, you must enroll. Just go to Online Bill Payment to enroll with your:
- Patient account number
- User name
- Personal password
- E-mail address
You have begun your path toward an easy and secure way to manage your hospital accounts online.
The information you provide ensures that your account information is secure and available to
only you. With features ranging from useful resources that answer your billing questions, to
viewing up-to-date account information and paying your bills online, our goal is to make this
process simple and convenient.
If you are just visiting, feel free to browse these pages for the many useful resources that this
site provides without enrolling.
We trust your experience with the St. Luke's Online Business Office will be valuable and