Vascular Services
Vascular Services
One American dies every 32
seconds of cardiovascular disease - disorders of the heart and blood vessels. Although we most
commonly think of heart procedures when we think of vascular services, patients with
obstructions in the blood vessels of the arms, legs or carotid arteries in the neck also run a
high risk of limb loss or stroke. Vascular diagnostic services and procedures can salvage limbs
and prevent stroke from occurring.
For more information about Vascular Services at St. Luke's Warren Hospital,
call 908-859-6746. Learn about the St. Luke's Heart &
Vascular Center.
Saving Lives through Vascular Intervention
- Angioplasty in the limbs, a procedure where a balloon-tipped catheter is guided through a
narrowed vessel, is becoming increasingly common as bypass surgery declines. Angioplasty,
including stents or other minimally invasive techniques, have been found to be as effective
as surgery in many situations and, of course, easier on patients—especially those who are
elderly frail and/or diabetic. These minimally invasive procedures are done by
interventional radiologists and interventional cardiologists.
Doppler Ultrasound
- The Doppler ultrasound is a non-invasive test that uses sound waves to evaluate blood flow.
It can show blocked or reduced blood flow due to narrowing of the major arteries in the
neck, the lower extremities, the upper extremeties and the abdomen.
Carotid Endarterectomy
- This is a surgical procedure done by a vascular surgeon that is designed to clean out
material occluding the carotid artery (a major artery in the neck that supplies blood to the
brain). This procedure can restore normal blood flow to the brain and prevent a stroke.
Carotid Stenting
Four Levels of Accreditation
The Vascular Lab at St. Luke's Warren Campus was the first accredited vascular lab in the State
of New Jersey, and it holds accreditation in four different areas of expertise:
- Extracranial Cerebrovascular
- Peripheral Arterial
- Peripheral Venous
- Visceral Vascular
This means that our physicians and technologists are recognized for providing high levels of
patient care and quality testing. St. Luke's Warren is privileged to count 12 interventional
cardiologists, 5 interventional radiologists and 4 vascular surgeons among its medical staff.