Warren Campus

Warren Campus

Directions to the Warren Campus

St. Luke's Warren Hospital

St. Luke's Warren Hospital
185 Roseberry Street
Phillipsburg, NJ 08865

Online Maps and Directions


From South Jersey
Take NJ Turnpike to Exit 10 to 287 North, then 78 West to Exit 3 (Route 22 West). At 6th traffic light, turn right at Hillcrest Professional Plaza onto Roseberry Street. Warren Hospital is on the right, just past Saints Philip and James School.

From North Jersey and New York City
Take NJ Turnpike to Exit 14A (Newark Airport), then 78 West to Exit 3 (Route 22 West). Continue as above. Or, take the Garden State Parkway to exit 142 to Route 78 West, then continue as above. Or, take Route 80 West to 287 South to 78 West, then proceed as above.

From Eastern Pennsylvania
Take Route 22 East over Delaware River Bridge to Phillipsburg. At second traffic light, take jug handle turn to Roseberry Street. Turn right and cross Route 22. Warren Hospital is on the right, just past Saints Philip and James School.

From the Philadelphia Area
Take Pennsylvania Turnpike's Northeast Extension to Route 22 East, then follow directions from Eastern Pennsylvania.