Warren Campus

Balance Center

Balance Center


The Balance Center at St. Luke's Warren Hospital

Contact Us

For more information about the
St. Luke's Warren Hospital
Balance Center, call 908-859-9780.

The St. Luke's Warren Hospital Balance Center focuses on evaluating and treating people with balance problems, frequent falls, trouble with walking, vertigo and dizziness. Injuries from falls is one of the leading causes of death for people over 65. It is estimated that one third of seniors living at home will fall each year. The center utilizes a unique multidisciplinary approach for evaluation, diagnosis and treatment. Our expert staff includes a neurologist as medical director, nurse practitioner and physical therapists with advanced vestibular therapy training all working together to diagnose and treat your problem.

Unsteadiness and dizziness can be caused by many problems including arthritis, weakness, inner ear problems, medications and illnesses like Parkinson's, Multiple Sclerosis and Meniere's Disease. The key to treatment is to identify the cause of your balance problems to develop an individualized treatment based upon your deficits.

Vestibular Testing Lab

Our vestibular testing lab contains state of the art equipment to accurately identify your problems:

  • Videonystagmography (VNG)
    A non-invasive test that assesses the function of your vestibular system (inner ear). The tests utilizes cutting edge computer equipment and infra-red goggles to track eye movements which allows accurate identification of vestibular problems.
  • Computerized Posturography
    A Computerized force platform used for testing and treatment. Information from testing assists in developing your treatment plan. The computer tracks your center of gravity and compares you to other people without balance problems. Treatment involves shifting your weight towards specific targets on various surfaces to improve your balance.

Specialized Treatment Equipment

  • SoloStep - The Solostep is a harness system the patient wears that is connected to an overhead track system. The system allows the patient to walk and turn freely while having the confidence they will not fall while the harness is on. The system allows the patient to build confidence while performing balance exercises and eliminating the risk of falls.
  • Falltrak - The falltrak is a computerized balance exercise system using visual biofeedback to retrain the body and brain to improve balance.
    The system offers numerous modifications to the exercises allowing the therapist to tailor your exercises specifically to your needs.

The goal of the balance center is to reduce fall risk, improve balance and eliminate dizziness/ vertigo so you can return to living your life!


Hillcrest Professional Plaza
755 Memorial Parkway, Suite 103
Phillipsburg, NJ 08865


Online directions

From Route 22 EAST: Take the jug-handle exit on your right after the Roseberry Street intersection.

From Route 22 WEST: You can enter the plaza directly from Route 22, IMMEDIATELY BEFORE the Dunkin' Donuts, or bear right just before the light to Roseberry Street and enter.

Download and print a map


Do I need a prescription for the Balance Center at St. Luke's Warren Hospital?
No. Although we will work closely with your physician to assure optimal care, you do not need a prescription to be evaluated at the balance center. If you are having dizziness and imbalance, we encourage you to discuss this with your physician first and ask them if you would be appropriate to be seen at the Balance Center.

Are the Balance Center services covered by insurance?
Yes. As part of St. Luke's Warren Hospital, we accept most medical insurances. Prior to all services we will verify your coverage and notify you in advance of any costs.

What should I expect on my first visit?
You should arrive about 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment to fill out all necessary paperwork and register. The initial visit with our nurse practitioner will last about an hour.

What should I wear?
Wear comfortable, loose fitting clothing and sneakers or flats. Avoid skirts and heeled shoes.

Will my doctor be informed of all results?
Yes. Your primary physician will receive all consultation reports, progress reports and testing results.

How to I schedule an appointment?
Call 908-859-9780 to schedule an appointment.

Facts & Links

Facts About Balance and Falls

  • Injuries from falls are the 5th leading cause of death for people over 65 (Cardiovascular, Cancer, Stroke, Pulmonary, FALLS)
  • Approximately $20 BILLION in healthcare costs are attributed to falls
  • More than 15 million people in the United States are dizzy every year
  • Dizziness is one of the most common reasons why people see their doctor
  • 60% of all falls occur at home
  • One third of people over 65 living in the community fall every year
  • 5 percent of all falls with healthy elderly result in a fracture
