Warren Campus

Concussion Center

The Concussion Center at St. Luke's Warren

Contact Us

For more information about
the Concussion Center at
St. Luke's Warren Hospital,
call 908-859-4381.

Concussion is a traumatic brain injury (TBI) caused by a bump or blow to the head. They can occur from a fall, accident or sporting event. The effects can be as little as a slight headache to as severe as losing consiousness.

Post-Concussion Symptoms

  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Imbalance
  • Difficulty with concentration and/or memory
  • Irritability
  • Lack of energy
  • Nausea
  • Sensitivity to light and/or sound
  • Sensitivity to busy environments
  • Blurred vision
  • Sadness
  • Lack of sleep
  • Don't feel right

Many concussions symptoms will improve after a couple of days. However, a small percentage of people experience post-concussion symptoms that can last days, weeks or even years. With the myriad of symptoms that can occur with concussions, where can you go for help?

Area's Only Comprehensive Concussion Center

The Concussion Center at St. Luke's Warren is the Lehigh Valley's only comprehensive concussion center. Our outstanding clinical team includes an orthopedic surgeon, neurologist, neuropsychologist, physical therapists, cognitive therapists and The Balance Center all working together to improve your condition.

Our state of the art treatment program includes the latest treatment standards to ensure your quickest recovery possible. For athletes, we will work with your sport team and/or school to get you back on the field as quickly and safely as possible.

Certified ImPACT Consultant


Pre-Season Baseline Testing:
- ImPACT baseline testing
- Computerized balance testing
- Concussion awareness
and education

The Concussion Center at St. Luke's Warren Hospital is a Certified ImPACT Consultant. ImPACT, developed by doctors at the UPMC Sports Medicine Concussion Program, has proven to be a useful tool in measuring the severity and effects of concussion and determining when it is safe for concussed athletes or individuals to return to sports or activity. With ImPACT, the athlete or individual takes a pre-season or pre-activity 20-minute test on a computer that measures brain processing such as speed, memory and visual motor skills. The individual's baseline data are stored in a computer file. Should the individual ever experience a concussion, he or she will take the ImPACT test several times in the days following concussion. Post-concussion data are then compared to baseline data to help determine the severity and effects of the injury. The data helps determine when the athlete's neurocognitive brain function has returned to baseline scores when it is safe for the athlete or individual to return to sports or activity.

ImPACT, developed over the past decade, is used by more than 100 high schools in western Pennsylvania and more than 400 high schools and 150 major colleges and universities nationwide, in addition to numerous professional sports organizations, including the National Football League, Indianapolis Racing League, Formula 1 Racing, and several National Basketball Association and Major League Baseball teams. For any recreational athlete or non-athlete who participates in activities that may pose risk for concussion, the ImPACT baseline testing is available by appointment at The Concussion Center.


Hillcrest Professional Plaza
755 Memorial Parkway, Suite 103
Phillipsburg, NJ 08865


Online Directions

From Route 22 EAST: Take the jug-handle exit on your right after the Roseberry Street intersection.

From Route 22 WEST: You can enter the plaza directly from Route 22, IMMEDIATELY BEFORE the Dunkin' Donuts, or bear right just before the light to Roseberry Street and enter.

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